Meet Dr. Natalie Yam

Morristown Oral Surgery & Implantology Associates

Dr. Natalie Yam, DDS

Dr. Natalie Yam, DDS, is not just your ordinary periodontist; she's a passionate advocate for vibrant smiles and lasting oral health. Graduating from NYU Dental with a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree, Dr. Yam's journey in dentistry began at an early age, fueling her passion through shadowing experiences and exposure to the field even before high school. Following her dental education, she pursued a residency in Periodontics at Harvard School of Dental Medicine, where she trained with and learned from renowned experts in the field.

Dr. Yam's approach to patient care is rooted in education and empowerment. She firmly believes that informed decision-making is fundamental to achieving lasting oral health outcomes. Dedicated to fostering strong patient relationships, Dr. Yam empowers her patients with the knowledge and support they need to take control of their oral health journey. Central to her practice is the emphasis on educating patients on changing their oral hygiene habits to maintain their periodontium after therapy. By providing personalized guidance and support, Dr. Yam ensures that each patient receives the tools they need to preserve their oral health for years to come.

Outside of her professional endeavors, Dr. Yam maintains an active lifestyle, finding balance through practices like yoga and regular runs with her dogs. Her commitment to holistic well-being extends beyond the dental office, reflecting her dedication to living a fulfilling and healthy life.


290 Madison Avenue, Ste 1A,
Morristown, NJ 07960

Office Hours

MON - FRI9:00 am - 4:00 pm

SATBy appointments only
